Time heals most things, but for injuries, sports recovery, pelvic floor disorders and chronic pain, time does not heal. We have to heal ourselves. And, if you are one of our PT clients or are needing a virtual physical therapist right now, we are here to help with telehealth appointments.
The only thing time doesn’t heal: injuries and chronic pain. (PT helps!)
COVID-19 and the worldwide pandemic has created a new world for us to live in. We don’t want your world to be more physically painful than it already is now. Virtual physical therapy is a way to make sure that when we get out of this (and we’re in this together), you’ll be stronger, experiencing less pain, and in the best physical shape to get back to the things you love.
Physical therapy can help you get through a day of parenting (with less back pain), run that marathon (without hip pain), swim in that triathlon (with more strength), reduce the frustration and embarrassment of leakage (for those with pelvic floor dysfunction), enjoy sex with less pain, be able to sit on the computer or stand for longer lengths of time… whatever it may be.
That said, the good news in all this is that there is a wonderful platform out there that is HIPAA compliant for doing telehealth PT sessions!
As you know, your pain and impairments don't stop because the world is on hold. In fact, many times these are exacerbated in times of stress! Social distancing offers the opportunity to stop and care for yourself! There are many companies out there who have been doing this for awhile with great results. You would be surprised about how much we can still accomplish with a telehealth session! So, what does a telehealth session look like? Especially, a virtual pelvic floor physical therapy session?
The virtual visit actually looks in many ways very similar to an in person session.
We actually still watch your body move through functional movement analysis to see where our focus needs to be. We check in with you on your goals and any recent happenings. We already have a lot of information from assessing you in person, so then can give you guidance on how to do some manual self treatment, and getting creative with using regular everyday things at home as helpful therapy tools. We can instruct you in diaphragmatic breathing and other exercises which are pertinent to you. We can modify and progress your exercises, and help you to continue to improve your function.
We want you all to have access to this and be able to try it out, so we are offering both 30 min and 60 min sessions right now at a discounted rate.
A 30 min session will be $60, and a 60 min session is $110. You can either text Katie or I if you are interested, email us, or go online and schedule from there! If you have a scheduled time set up, we will send you the website to "join the meeting", and you just want to be sure to have your camera and microphone turned on.
Schedule a Telehealth Physical Therapy session with us today.
While we follow orders to stay at home, we are faced with two options. We can live in fear, or we can grow through the fear like this flower growing out of a rock…
It seems impossible… but we actually can use this time to get in the best physical and emotional shape of our lives. Klein Physical Therapy is here to help.
Book Online Today
Experience less pain. Reduce stress. Take care of you.
30-minute and 60-minute telehealth PT sessions available now. Please check the schedule regularly for virtual openings.
Click to book a session. We’ve opened up 30-minute and 60-minute sessions to accommodate most budgets and have a limited number of sliding scale options as well. Don’t let your health take a back seat, let’s work together to help you find the strength now, during COVID, and after we get through this, so that you can be the best YOU there is.
To your health,
Lea & Katie
(“Meet” us by clicking here. We look forward to “meeting” you too.)